PPP Awards

Thomas has won the Pride, Purpose, and Passion Award for the month of April because he is a great communicator.  In September when Thomas came to our school he was just learning English.  He now can receive and express ideas and information in more than one language.  He has also shown excellence in the language of math.   Thomas brings a sense of global relevance to our classroom.  He keeps up with current events and shares with his classmates what is going on in the world.  Finally, Thomas is a risk-taker.  He has the confidence to try any new activity and gives it his all.  Thomas, you are a joy to have in class.  Keep up the great work! 

Angus has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of March.  He has earned this award because he is an inquirer.  Angus has demonstrated this in our last unit.  While studying the food pyramid, Angus was curious why some people called a tomato a fruit, while others categorized it as a vegetable.   Angus was able to find out the answer and then shared his findings with his teacher through email.  Angus consistently wants to know more about any given topic!  Keep up the great work, Angus!  
The Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of March is awarded to Ben because he has tried many activities this year and has demonstrated that he is balanced.  Ben is also very cooperative.  He works well in groups and is great at compromising.  For our play, Pretty Salma, Ben worked well with his classmates and was willing to work on parts of certain sets that no one else wanted to do.  Ben, thank you for all your hard work and positive attitude! 


Juneau has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of February.  He earned this award because he is an inquirer.  He consistently attempts the math challenge question each Monday.   Also, in our recent unit of inquiry, he did a fantastic job of researching his inventor, which led to a great paper.      Juneau, I encourage you to continue asking questions.  Keep up the great work.

The Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of February is awarded to Clifford because he has demonstrated being caring.  Clifford often volunteers to help out others.  For example, when one our new students didn’t know where the computer lab was, he volunteered to take him there.  Clifford has also shown he is balanced.  He has participated in many after school activities throughout the year and has been able to keep up with his academics.   He has balanced the physical and metal aspects of staying healthy.  Keep up the great work, Clifford!
Peter has won the Pride, Purpose, and Passion Award for the month of February because he is principled.  A while ago, Peter found some money and turned it into Mr. Zickefoose, instead of keeping it.   Peter has also taken the initiative in his own learning.  He has been willing to put in extra time during recess to study.  He consistently comes with a smile on his face and has the drive to learn.  His hard work is paying off in many areas including math.  He is close to passing his multiplication facts.  Peter, thank you so much for your commitment to learn!




Ailsa has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of January. She has earned this award because she is caring and balanced. Ailsa has made one of our new students comfortable and is always willing to help out. She cares about others and often thinks of them before herself. Ailsa is also balanced. Throughout the year she has taken an active role in many activities including GPS, soccer, and gymnastics while still making time to enjoy reading and hanging out with friends. Ailsa, keep up the good work!

The Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of January is awarded to John because he is caring and a risk taker.   John often volunteers to help his classmates and teachers.  He has come up to the fourth grade classroom during recess several times with his friends to see if his teacher needs any help.  John demonstrated being a risk taker when setting his Accelerated Reading Goal.  He knew how many points he earned the quarter before and set even a higher goal for the next quarter.  He knew this goal would take a lot of hard work, and he completed it.  After completion he asked to raise his goal again!  Keep up the great work, John!

Jack has won the Pride, Purpose, and Passion Award for the month of January because he continues to be a class leader of fourth grade.  He has gone out of his way to make new students feel comfortable and is willing to be friends with anyone.  Jack is also an inquirer.  In fourth grade we have been studying electricity and magnetism.  During recess, Jack and another student came up to discover on their own.  They built many parallel circuits.  Keep learning, Jack!  


 Lyndsey has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of December.  She has earned this award because she is an inquirer.  During our Ancient Civilization Unit, Lyndsey went to the library and checked out more books on China.  She added a lot of details to her presentation from these additional sources.  Lyndsey also demonstrated great cooperation skills.  Instead of arguing who should have to put away some materials, she quickly got the materials and put them away for her table.  Thank you, Lyndsey, for being a peacemaker! 

The Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of December went to Nate.  In class we are doing a Christmas play and he volunteered to be Joseph when no one else would.  Thank you for being a risk taker!  Nate is also great at being reflective.  He gives thoughtful consideration to his learning.  For example, on our last summative he double check to make sure he had included all the necessary information in his presentation.   Keep up the great work, Nate. 

Kari has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of November.  She has earned this award because she is knowledgeable.   During our past unit of inquiry, Kari was able to transfer information she learned about the civilization she studied to answer critical questions of other civilizations.   The PYP attitude that comes to mind when I think about Kari is independent.  She is able to be productive and stay on task when we have independent projects.  Keep the good work Kari!

David has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of November.  He has shown great leadership in  4th grade and has set a good example for his fellow students.   David is respectful to all his classmates, which has helped him become the leader he is today.  David has also demonstrated being a thinker because he is always willing  to try the math challenge questions that are optional.  He also doesn’t hesitate to ask questions if he doesn’t understand.  Keep up the great work David!


Ethan has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of October.  He is knowledgeable and an inquirer.  Ethan has a natural curiosity.  He is always asking questions and will find the answers if we don’t have time in class to explore them.  He will then bring back the information and share it with the class.  Ethan is curious about the world, people, and cultures.  Ethan, thanks for always asking questions and your willingness to share your information.

The Pride, Purpose and Passion Award Winner for  the month of October is Michael.   He is open-minded in class and will accept culture differences.  Michael understands and appreciates his own culture and is open to the traditions and values of other cultures.  He openly shares his unique culture experiences and can easily connect them to classroom discussions.  Michael is confident and has the courage to take risks.   Keep up the good work Michael. 

Elin has earned the Pride, Purpose, and Passion Award for the month of October.  She always takes her time on her assignments and tries her best on everything.  Elin has also demonstrated the learner profile, caring, when she volunteered to help another fourth grader organize his binder.  Thank you, Elin, for always trying your best and helping anyone that needs assistance. 


Michelle has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of September.  This fall she went out for soccer which is an unfamiliar sport to her.  She was confident and is doing a great job.  Michelle is also reflective in her studies.  She takes responsibility for her own learning and asks questions to deepen her understanding of concepts.   Keep up the great work Michelle!

Darin has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of September.  He has earned this award because he is caring and balanced.  Darin has joined the TCIS soccer team, the Golden Pages Newspaper, and participates in another soccer club.  With all these after school activities Darin continues to do well at his academics.  He has also helped out our new fourth grade student, Thomas.  Thanks for volunteering often and being a class leader!


Jisoo has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of August.  In the second week of school she helped a new little girl find her classroom.  She has demonstrated caring for the needs of others.  Keep up the great work Jisoo!

Derrick has earned the Pride, Purpose and Passion Award for the month of August.  He has earned this award because his demonstration of being principled.  During class he spoke Korean and made the WISE decision to admit he had made a mistake and accepted  the consequence.  His moral reasoning is maturing.  Keep up the fantastic work Derrick!