Friday 6 May 2011

Aquariums and Terrariums

Our last Unit of Inquiry is ecosystems. We are in the process of making our own aquariums and terrariums. Enjoy these pictures.

4th Grade Field Trip-May 20th

As part of our Unit of Inquiry on Ecosystems, our class will be taking a field trip to Chungnam Forestry Museum. The students will be exploring an ecodome which houses many kinds of plants and trees from a variety of ecosystems. Next, we will tour the Chungnam Forestry Museum. This museum focuses on the positive and negative effects that humans can have on their environment, the benefits and uses of forestry, and how our forest are suffering. The students will get a chance to see the history and progress of Korea’s own ecology.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Digital Portfolio Survey

Dear Parents,

It was nice seeing you at Student Led Conferences. This was the first year we've attempted to use digital portfolios, and we would appreciate your feedback. Please take a little time to complete this digital portfolio survey here.
Ms. Stephenson

Thursday 31 March 2011

Pretty Salma Video

Untitled from Anna Stephenson on Vimeo.

4th Grade had the privilege of having Ms. Evie, a high school IB Theater student, come teach us a short unit on drama. She started off the unit playing games that taught valuable drama lessons. For example, we played Boom Chicka Boom, to teach us not to be timid because it would limit us as an actors or actresses. She then went on to let us do a full production of Pretty Salma, an African version of Little Red Riding Hood. She taught us that there is a lot of hard work and different jobs that go into a play. We had four crews: props, sets, costumes, and actors/actresses. Ms. Evie worked diligently with the actors and actresses and Ms. Jenny did a great job designing the costumes. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Linda Sue Park Visits Our School

We had the honor of welcoming Linda Sue Park to our school this past week.  She spoke to our classes about the importance of writing and rewriting.  Many of the fourth graders have read at least one of her books. 

Monday 7 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

New Faces in 4th Grade

We have three new students joining 4th grade. Welcome!



On Campus Field Trip

To wrap up our Electrified Unit, we headed up to the physics teacher, Mr. Leiphart's, classroom.  We were able to ask many questions and see a very powerful electromagnet at work.